Headed abroad for another adventure? Make sure you know how to switch between SIM cards on your iPhone.

Switching to a local physical SIM card is a popular method for avoiding costly roaming fees or international charges. In most cases, you lot can choice one upwards at the airport or search for one around town.

Before y'all practise that, however, have a moment to refresh yourself on the finer points of iPhone SIM cards. Here's the scoop on them, plus everything you need to know about switching between SIM cards while you travel.

What to Know Before You Switch SIM Cards on an iPhone

Many people wonder if you lot can really simply switch SIM cards on an iPhone. Yeah, you absolutely can. However, in that location are a few things to know before you do it:

  • If you intend to use a 3rd-party SIM carte du jour, your phone must be unlocked: This won't be a problem if you purchased your phone directly from Apple as they mostly sell them unlocked. Nonetheless, if you purchased information technology from a carrier – especially in the U.S. – information technology's likely locked.

Commonly, just calling your carrier is and explaining that you'll be traveling abroad is enough to get them to unlock information technology. However, that doesn't always piece of work, because carriers prefer that you utilize their international data plans. In that case, use a third-party alternative to unlock your phone.

  • Your contacts, apps, and data aren't stored on your SIM card: Dissimilar other smartphones, iPhones don't store details like contacts on the SIM carte. Instead, all your information is backed upward to cloud storage. That means removing your SIM card while you travel won't affect your ability to access your information. The only information that's really on your iPhone SIM card is your customer data. Apple uses that to assist rails your phone.
  • All current iPhones use a nano-SIM menu: It's worth noting that all iPhones manufactured since 2012 utilize a nano-SIM card. These are the smallest SIM cards currently available on the market. Go on this in heed, because smartphones using micro-SIM cards nevertheless exist and you lot may buy the incorrect one away if you lot're not careful.

How to Remove a SIM Card from an iPhone

All iPhones come with SIM card slots located on their sides. For iPhones after the iPhone Ten, the SIM tray is located on the correct side. If you're looking along the edge, y'all should run into a small ellipsoidal shape with a pinhole side by side to information technology. That's your SIM card slot. With your phone turned off, follow these steps to remove your SIM card:

Insert the SIM-Eject Tool

Insert the SIM-squirt tool straight into the pinhole. If yous don't accept one, a paperclip will work in a compression. If you're having trouble finding a paperclip that'south narrow enough, a straight back earring will too work. Press it in firmly, you should feel a click. Retrieve that you shouldn't have to strength information technology.

After the click, the tray pops out.

Remove the SIM Card

The SIM carte should come loose from the tray easily. Don't endeavor to strength it if information technology's stuck, as that may hateful your tray is bent. Likewise, don't utilise tweezers or anything hard to knock it out every bit that may scratch the card. Store your card someplace condom (or put another SIM card into your phone) and yous're set up.

How to Add a SIM Carte du jour to an iPhone

Adding a SIM card to an iPhone is just as piece of cake as removing one. Only follow these steps:

  • Open the tray: Plow off your telephone, then follow the steps above to open the tray again. Pull it all the style out before trying to seat your SIM card.
  • Locate the clipped corner: To assistance you tell which way the SIM carte du jour should become into the phone, y'all'll notice that ane of the edges looks "clipped." Lucifer the edge on your SIM card with the slot on the tray.
  • Insert the SIM carte du jour: Prepare the SIM bill of fare into the tray as directly every bit possible. Don't attempt to insert it at an angle or it may non seat properly. Likewise, avert touching the gold part of the SIM card while doing this to prevent oils or dirt from your fingers from smudging it. Slide the tray back into the phone. It should close with a click.

How to Switch Between eSIMs on an iPhone

Don't want to deal with switching those tiny SIM cards on your iPhone? Using an eSIM or three is even easier.

Dual SIM and eSIM are ii technologies popular amongst frequent travelers. Using them allows you to continue your telephone number during travel yet avert costly information packages from domestic carriers. It's a convenient, affordable solution to staying continued while traveling.

We've thoroughly covered how to use eSIMs with every compatible iPhone version correct here, but in that location are a few things y'all need to do to toggle betwixt eSIMs effortlessly while you're abroad.

1. Purchase Your eSIM Data Plan(southward)

Browse the eSIM store for your chosen destinations and purchase the plans that you lot would like to utilise. You can buy several of them and load them all at one time onto your iPhone to activate later.

2. Add a Cellular Plan to Your iPhone

Once you've purchased a plan, you'll receive a QR lawmaking. Follow these instructions to activate information technology:

  • Open your Camera and scan the QR code provided.
  • Tap the "Cellular Programme Detected" when it appears, then "Continue" and afterward that, "Add Cellular Plan".
  • Enter the confirmation lawmaking provided if prompted.
  • If y'all purchased multiple plans, repeat until you've added them all.

3. Easily Switch Betwixt eSIMs

To switch between the eSIM data plans that you've purchased, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to "Settings".
  • Tap "Cellular/Mobile Data".
  • Select the program you'd like to use and tap "Turn On This Line".

Tired of Switching SIM Cards? Discover a Simpler Alternative with eSIMs from Airalo

While it's absolutely possible to switch between SIM cards with an iPhone, why bother? An eSIM solves many of the long-standing challenges that frequent travelers face when trying to access mobile data abroad. If you've got an iPhone XR or newer and are running iOS 12.ane, your device is eSIM compatible.

Save the sweat and brand this a seamless process past getting an eSIM (or three) from Airalo. Stay focused on the take chances, not fiddling with tiny hardware. Shop eSIM mobile data plans at present .