Jeff Stryker Interview Woylsnt Take My Sock

Serena Freewomyn

TBP Exclusive Interview with Jeff Stryker

Filed By Serena Freewomyn | April 01, 2008 6:04 PM | comments

Filed in: Entertainment
Tags: Jeff Stryker

I have a secret to confess. This little lesbian has a bit of a cock tooth. So I was more than creaming my panties when I had the opportunity to interview Hollywood hottie Jeff Stryker for TBP. Thanks to Bil's connections from the "Bloggers Gone Wild series," I got the hook up. Ya'll are so lucky I believe in sharing!

herbert stryker.png First off, I have to say that the old man balls dragging on the ground were so HAWT! Who knew 10 inches was that long?

Me: Wow! Mr. Stryker. It's such an honor to meet you!

JS: Thanks. I didn't realize I had a lesbian fan base.

Me: Yeah. I'm all about being a vagetarian. But sometimes you need a little meat. I say, why not go for the steak?

JS: You like meat, huh? Why don't you tell me how you like your meat.

Me: Why don't you save the interview questions for me, Mr. Stryker.

JS: I like a woman who takes charge of the situation.

Me: So when did you know that you wanted to be a porn star? Was this your childhood fantasy?

JS: Ever since I started body building when I was 11, I knew that I had so much to give. Some people just know their destiny from an early age. Knowing that I can touch the lives of so many gay and bisexual men is great. The fact that the ladies like me, too, is the icing on the cake.

Me: You've certainly touched people. How does it feel to have be best selling dildo in sex toy history?

JS: I'm really proud of that. To be in so many goody drawers. It's a good feeling.

Me: Oh, it feels good, alright. *both laughing* Funny side note . . . I got bored one night and posted to Craigslist to see how many straight men would let me strap it on and fuck them in the ass with a Jeff Stryker dildo. The response was pretty overwhelming. I had over 100 e-mails in under an hour.

JS: That's the secret about straight guys. As much as they say they're turned off by gay sex, most of them just want to bend over and take it up the poop shoot.

Me: So what's your latest project?

JS: Actually, I've been working with TBP creator Bil Browning on a new movie called "Bottoms Up." I was so inspired after seeing his "Bloggers Gone Wild" clips. He's not just a hot body. He's got some real talent. And unlike some of my other co-stars, Bil can go for hours. He doesn't even need a fluffer. He's a real professional.

Me: Wow! Who knew!

[Editor's Note]: Due to Browning's confidentiality clause, he can neither confirm nor deny these rumors. Stay tuned to future editions of "You Gotta See This," right here at TBP, to find out!

Me: Just one last question, Mr. Stryker. Do you like Popsicles?

JS: Oh, yeah. Especially the cream filled kind.

Me: Why don't you come on down to the basement, then? I got a whole freezer full of them.

[Editor's Note]: The rest of this interview had to be deleted for violating TBP's terms of service. Play nice, people!

Jeff Stryker Interview Woylsnt Take My Sock


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