Sephora Adventures: Bumble and Bumble Sunday Shampoo, Drunk Elephant Tinted Umbra Tinte Daily Defense, and Pinrose Perfumes - Makeup and Beauty Blog

sephora adventures with connor
Practicing her #RBF

I swear, my concluding trip to Sephora was Connor's idea. If she looks a piffling crabby in this motion-picture show, it's because she's practicing her #RBF (resting infant confront).

I went to grab a couple things I've been wanting to try from my lust list, and speaking of that, that list has been exercising my wallet in ways I did not anticipate, LOL!

Start, in that location's this clarifying Bumble and Bumble Lord's day Shampoo.

Smells like: oranges, and the embankment

I had a a lot of production buildup in my pilus after using a Klorane shampoo and mask, and Sunday Shampoo, which I used on Saturday (such a insubordinate!), got my hair feeling normal again. Buuuuuut, I however retrieve I'm going to return it, because I read on the Sephora website (and don't ask my why this didn't sink in beforehand) that information technology isn't recommended for color-treated hair, which I have.

Oh, well… Information technology was fun while information technology lasted.

I practice like the idea using a clarifying shampoo every so often to remove buildup from dry out shampoo and other hair products, then I'm thinking about exchanging it for a shampoo by Briogio, a natural hair intendance line at Sephora, called Exist Gentle, Exist Kind Green Tea Clarifying Shampoo. It'due south $24, so about the aforementioned price as the Bumble shampoo, which is $25, but it'due south supposed to safe for color-treated hair.

I promise it smells proficient. 🙂

Also, while I was in that location, I picked up a tube of new Drunk Elephant Umbra Tinte Concrete Daily Defence force Wide Spectrum Sunscreen SPF 30 ($36) with 20% zinc oxide.

Zinc oxide usually leaves a white bandage on darker skin, merely this one doesn't! It's really nifty. I thought information technology would be likewise deep or peachy for me, but it isn't. I can't encounter it at all, which is great, and there's no white cast! I used it on Saturday, Lord's day and Monday, and my skin really likes it so far. Information technology has a light mousse-y texture, so it absorbs rapidly, and I don't have to sit there working information technology in for days and days. Plus, it isn't sticky, so it doesn't exit my neck feeling gross, and it layers under foundation well.

drunk elephant umbra tinte physical daily defense
Drunk Elephant Umbra Tinted Physical Daily Defence force

It comes in a modest-ish 2-oz. bottle, which does have me concerned. I wish the tube was larger for the price, considering I have a feeling that I'chiliad going to become through it quickly.

Lastly, on my way out of the store, I noticed a new brandish for Pinrose, which I've been dying to smell.

They're and so cute…

pinrose perfume

I wanna take all of these bottles lined up on my dresser, just then I tin stare at them.

I sprayed a imperial one called Lil' Dipper on my wrist. It was nice and calorie-free, a lot like TOCCA. I think it would exist good for layering.

So, what else should I endeavor at Sephora? Find anything lately?

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



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